
Friday 24 July 2009 by Andy

Barcelona Calling...

Arriving in Pl. Catalunya the first thing I see is a man 'brushing is teeth'

Is it just me, or do they look like they're falling?

My guess is: Cricket

Never forget to look UP!

Cool security doors, who said graffiti had to be vandalism?

Lovely Ladies...
Is she looking at me?

I like
its me
The 'coolest' kids in town
Here me roar!


Goudi: Sagrada Familia


I love bakeries wherever I go

Random house I found when walking, so artistic - I wondered who lived inside...

Stairway to heaven? Apparently not, just above is a park where I tried to sleep - verdict: not even one wink of shut-eye.


Panoramic Views: The lookout not on your tourist map...


Vibrant buildings


Goudi: Park Guell

Goudi's House


Goudi: I forget its name...


Amazing finds: Stepping inside a random building I find colour, light, patterns and beauty - luckily I have my camera...

The Magic Fountain: An explosion of Water, Sound and Colour

My favourite kid: Kid with a teddy bear...

The dancing girl: Children are wonderful - they express themselves in amazing ways.

Filed under having